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李 长 兴 博 士 简 介
2024-03-04 15:21  




主要研究领域:工业过程的计算机模拟,包括粒子堆积(Particle Packing)、粒子偏析(Particle Segregation)、粒子输送(Particle Conveying)。近些年来,在Powder TechnologyAdvanced Powder TechnologyChemical Engineering ScienceParticuologyEnergy and Fuel等外文期刊上发表论文十余篇。作为主要参与人,完成国家自然基金项目2项,以及教育部博士点基金项目1项。


  • C.X. Li, J.Q. Gan, D. Pinson, A.B. Yu, and Z.Y. Zhou, “Dynamic analysis of poured packing process of ellipsoidal particles”, Powder Technology, 385 (2021) 444-454.

  • C.X. Li, R.P. Zou, D. Pinson, A.B. Yu, and Z.Y. Zhou, “An experimental study of packing of ellipsoids under vibrations”, Powder Technology, 361 (2020) 45-51.

  • C.X. Li, R.P. Zou, D. Pinson, Y.S. Shen, A.B. Yu, and Z.Y. Zhou, “Experimental and numerical investigation on the packing of binary mixtures of spheres and ellipsoids”, Powder Technology, 360 (2020) 1210-1219.

  • C.X. Li, K.J. Dong, Y.S. Shen, and A. B. Yu, “Particle conveying under microgravity in a vibrating vessel”, Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (2019) 3163-3170.

  • C.X. Li, Z.Y. Zhou, R.P. Zou, K.J. Dong, D. Pinson, and A.B. Yu, “Equivalent packing size of spheroidal particles: A microscopic test”, Powder Technology, 333 (2018) 286-292.


    [1] 中国石油科技创新基金项目, 流化天然气制苯关键技术(2020D-5007-0409),2021.1-2022.12,合作主持(清华大学)。

    [2] 衡水学院高层次人才科研启动基金项目,振动条件下二元混合物的粒子偏析(2019GC11),2019.12-2021.12,主持。

    [3] “十四五”教育规划专项-衡水学院校级研究课题,衡水学院高层次人才引进和使用机制的研究(2022SSW11),2022.6-2023.6,主持。


